Do we need more chemicals? Why can't we just do away with and purge ourselves of existing ones? Instead, we're designing new products to provide ailment for the side effects of existing chemicals. Worst of all, we're testing these new toxic chemicals on animals that do not have the same anatomy and biochemistry as humans. Known chemicals with corrosive effects are no longer used in the Draize test, but shouldn't humans know by now, that anything other than what nature provides is harmful.
The Draize Test is a controversial toxicity test that correlates with the cosmetic industry. The test uses albino rabbits to test irritants by dripping chemicals into the eye, rubbing toxins on bare skin, inhalation of toxins through a mask or a chamber, and intravenously feed through a tube in the stomach. Albino rabbits are chosen because of their lack of tear flow to cleanse the eye and the lack of pigment makes it easier to view the negative effects of the chemical. The Draizer Test last from 3 to 21 days or the life span of the animal [PETA]. The rabbits are euthanized by decapitation or cervical dislocation (snapping of the neck). A few sources claim that up to 5,000 animals are used per chemical, and an animal can only be experimented on once before being euthanized. With pesticides, the number goes up to 12,000.
For more information on the Draize Test please view this video on the PETA website.